Situation Vacant

NAM is looking for a new vice-chair.

As many of you will already know, John Young became vice-chair of NAM at the end of last year but because chairman Rob Chandler had to step down earlier than anticipated, John became chair just a couple of months later.

The IAM recommend all groups have a vice-chair not only as a substitute for the chair but also as a future chair in training all of which means “Your Club Needs You”.

For the record, ‘the chair’ proper sets an example of leadership and is at the forefront of group activities while ensuring the group embraces IAM standards.

The vice-chair role is not especially onerous since running the club is very much a team effort via the combined efforts of the officers and the committee.

They say if you want something done ask a busy man (or woman) so to all you busy NAM members if you’d like to have a chat about this my mobile is 07834 600665 or email:

Thanks Paul – Secretary NAM