W17 to Cafe 33 17 Oct 2021

W17 to Cafe 33 17 Oct 2021

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant

Observers RS,RL/BS,RB

L From Tesco to A47 RBT
R A47 to B1108
L B1108 to A1065
SO A1065 SO X To T jct
L @ T Jct sp Northwold to A134
SO A134 to X road
SO X road to X road
R to B1112
L/R B1112 to A1101
L A1101 to Flempton
R Uncl to Risby
L Uncl to Saxham (over A14)
L @ Jct sp Bury St Edmunds
50 Yds R by Church to Hargrave/Meeting Green
L B1063 to A143
R A143
Coffee at Café 33on Right (formerly Adams Cafe)
Bury Road Stradishall CB89XX
Tel.01440 820009

gpx route

trf route

Map and directions