Group Ride Rules:

Only riders holding an A or A2 licence riding machines applicable to that category can attend Group Rides.

Suitable protective clothing including gloves and boots should be worn.

Dipped headlights should be used.

Ideally, a group should consist of no more than 4 riders.

Consider dividing the ride distance between the members of the group, allowing each to take the lead. The change of lead rider may be carried out on the move (see below) but we encourage it to be done after a suitable stop, taking the opportunity to discuss the ride up to that point.

DO NOT overtake other members of your group unless signalled to do so (at a safe location the leading rider should signal left, move over to the left and ease off slightly to allow the following riders within the group to pass).

DO NOT overtake another group, the following group’s lead rider should find a suitable place to stop their group and allow time for the leading group to get further ahead. (Please use this stop for the opportunity to discuss the group’s ride this far)

DO NOT speed away from the others in your group and always keep sight of the riders behind you. (they may of course be held back by a hazard or slower moving vehicle)

If you want to stop, find a suitable place and indicate in good time.

Tell the others in your group at the start of the ride or at one of the stops if you intend to leave the ride before the end of the published route.

These rules are for the benefit of all our members and the public in general. They will sometimes mean exercising restraint. Remember you are ambassadors for the group.

IMPORTANT: You are responsible for remaining in control of your vehicle at all times, and for ensuring your own safety and observing all the rules of the road throughout the ride.

Safety is paramount. Do not feel under any pressure to make compromises.

Please note that group rides will proceed EVERY Sunday and they will NOT be cancelled. It is however, each rider’s own responsibility to consider the weather, road conditions and temperature to make their own choice whether to attend. This applies to Duty Observers too so please consider contacting the Chief Observer or Duty Observers if attending on the 1st or 3rd Sunday of the month for the first time.