November December Newsletter
The November/December 2022 newsletter is now available on the website
The November/December 2022 newsletter is now available on the website
Congratulations to Jo Russell for obtaining a F1RST during torrential rain on her IAM Roadsmart test
Mark Bird passed his IAM Roadsmart test today. Well done.
Sunday ride information on the website is now up to date until the end of January
Our first for October and a F1RST for Gary Battrick, well done.
Congratulations and thanks to Jim Duncan on completing the Local Observer assessments under the guidance of Pete Wyatt and Ray Lewis
Following on from the club night survey and member ambivalence, the committee thought it best to scrub the September meeting and discuss the future of club nights with the membership in full at the AGM on the 17th of November. …
If you’re at a loose end this Thursday and are up for an early start, this might interest you Dave Bonner and Allen Knight have a day route planned for NAM members to ride. The total milage is just over …
We have our first pass of Autumn and a F1RST at that ! Congratulations to Graeme Seaman.
No doubt feeling very ‘chuffed’, Train driver Steve McLean passed the IAM Roadsmart Test today….woo woo!