Third pass of April
Congratulations to Ed Young who passed today
Congratulations to Ed Young who passed today
A well-expected F1RST for Mariusz Buras today. Great Stuff.
Congratulations to Colin Griffiths on his pass today
In almost ‘summer’ temperatures, congratulations to Andy Lawler who passed today.
Details are now up on the website for tomorrow’s ride (March 27th) as well as all the rides for April. Please note that all upcoming rides are published ahead of time on the NAM Sunday rides group in MyRoute. MyRoute …
A beautiful Spring day today, 23rd March and for Marc Marsh to pass the IAM Roadsmart Test. Well done.
NAM club nights are restarting. Dates are given on the events page for 2022 with details being added as they are organised. The first will be on Thursday 17th March at the usual time of 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start, …
Apologies for the delay in getting the Sunday ride info onto the website. This should happen by the end of today (Friday 4th March)
Following a short delay due to illness, the most recent newsletter is out. Printed copies will be arriving shortly, but the digital version is now available on the newsletter page of the website
Thursday 24th February 2022 Advanced Rider Test Pass A well-earnt F1RST for Rick Andrews and NAM’s First F1RST in 2022