We’re currently looking for volunteers to join us for gazebo duties at the Watton Bike Takeover event on the 25th August. If you’re free and willing to help out, please message Tony Valentine on 07899873338. Thanks.

On a glorious summer day (though a tod hot under the NAM necktube) Andy Carson-Rowland passed the IAM Roadsmart Test today. Well done.

Congratulations to Don McCallum on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test on Saturday 27 July ’24. Dom’s observer was Mariusz Buras.

With weather actually befitting Summer, Dr Paul Farrow passed the IAM Roadsmart test today and with a F1RST. Congratulations.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue Tony got a Masters Distinction Whoopy Whoopy do…… Yes, on the longest day, Tony Valentine passed the Masters Test with a Distinction today. Well done Tony & observer John Walden

Congratulations to Vicky Wright on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test today, Tuesday 14 May ’24. A wet ride after a few hot dry days so a little greasy ‘under wheels’. Vicky’s observer was Richard Ward.