Changes to Newsletters

The online appearance of NAM newsletters ahs changed. In an effort to make reading them online easier and more natural, rather than opening the newsletter as a pdf file in your browser, it opens in a flipbook. But what does that mean?

It means that the newsletter will now open in the best format for the device you’re using and you’ll have a toolbar at the bottom with which to navigate. There aren’t many options so shouldn’t take long to learn. Also, if you’re using a computer, moving the mouse over a button will bring up a short description. A short summary of the buttons is:

Choose page or advance/retreat page. Clicking in the middle will permit you to type in the page number you want and using the arrows will cause the book to turn forward or back one page. This can also be done using the arrows either side of the page or by swiping on a touch enabled screen (tablet or phone)

Toggle Thumbnails. Clicking here will cause thumbnails of the pages to appear to the left. Clicking it again will cause them to disappear.

Zoom in/Zoom out. By clicking here you can zoom in or out of the image. When showing a lighter grey, you’re at the limit of the zoom. This can also be achieved on touch enabled screens by placing a finger and thumb on the screen and moving them apart or together. When zoomed in, you can move about on the screen by left clicking and holding, then moving the mouse; double clicking and moving on a touchpad or simply by moving a single finger across a touch enabled screen,

Toggle Fullscreen. Clicking on this one will cause the flipbook to display as large as possible on your screen. Clicking it again will go back to the original appearance.

Share. Clicking on this will open a pop up showing the web address of this particular flipbook. This can be copied and pasted into an email or you could click one of the icons underneath to share to Facebook, Twitter or via your default email method. This last is not always set up correctly on your device. Clicking the button a second time causes the popup to disappear.

More options brings up a a pop up window showing a few additional options. Download pdf allows you to make a local copy of the newsletter if you wish to print it. Single/Double page mode toggles between seeing one or two pages at a time. By default phones are set to single page and computer screens to double. Goto first and last page are, I hope, obvious. Turn on/off sound. By default the flipbook has a sound effect when you turn pages. This allows you to turn it on and off.

The current newsletters are large files (30+ Mb) due to the need for high resolution images in professional printing. This means the editions up to and including the March/April 2023 edition may take a while to load. Future editions will have smaller and less detailed images more appropriate to viewing on the Internet which should reduce the time required to load the newsletter.

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