WHERE ARE WE GOING: The Chip Inn, Long Stratton
WHAT TIME: Meet at 15:45 at Tesco Harford Bridges Carpark, to start ride at 16:00.
ROUTE: https://www.myrouteapp.com/route/open/7865268
– it would be really helpful if you can let the events team know if you wish to partake in this activity as we like to let places know a few days ahead of the date of the estimated numbers. Please email events@n-a-m.co.uk or send us a message via the Members WhatsApp group or via any of our social media channels
– Pillions welcome
– If you can’t ride for whatever reason, why not meet us there for an enjoyable couple of hours of good food and conversation
– Please remember…whilst we encourage all our members to attend, occasionally you may find that you are the only person partaking. We cannot guarantee the attendance of any of the NAM Committee or Events Team on every social ride.