Happy Valentine’s
Whilst not February 14th, it was certainly Tony Valentine’s day passing his Advanced Rider Test with a F1RST. Congratulations.
Whilst not February 14th, it was certainly Tony Valentine’s day passing his Advanced Rider Test with a F1RST. Congratulations.
New items for sale. Check out the for sale page
Congratulations to Dave Ridgway on obtaining a F1RST at the IAM Roadsmart Test today.
NAM is looking for a new vice-chair. As many of you will already know, John Young became vice-chair of NAM at the end of last year but because chairman Rob Chandler had to step down earlier than anticipated, John became …
Congratulations to Richard Bye on his test pass on Saturday 6th and to Michelle Ridgway riding the ‘Little Red Devil’ to the IAM Roadsmart Test pass standard On Sunday 7th. Well done both.
Well done to Sally Kelly on passing the IAM Roadsmart Advanced test today, on a rare beastie, a CCM 450 Adventure.
We remain on the lookout for members to step up to the plate and volunteer to help run the club, your club. We are currently looking for a Vice Chair and a Membership Secretary. Key roles yes, but not especially …
Meet: Tesco Harford Bridge car park NR4 6DZ at 6.00pm ride out at 6.15pm Venue: ‘The Roughton Fish Shop’, Norwich Rd, Roughton, Norwich NR11 8SH Route: Please see the events page for details of the route Open to members and friends – …
Congratulations to John Walden on a ‘Distinction’ grade in his 5 yearly ‘Masters’ re-test.
In extreme temperatures today, congratulation to Stuart Bentley on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test