Test Pass
Tuesday 11 February 2025 Congratulations to Paul Unwin on passing his Advanced test today. Paul’s observer was Jim Duncan. Well done both.
Tuesday 11 February 2025 Congratulations to Paul Unwin on passing his Advanced test today. Paul’s observer was Jim Duncan. Well done both.
Friday 07 February 2025 Thankfully averting total embarrassment, Waldo passed the National Observer reassessment today. Looks like we may have to put up with him for a bit longer!!! (We love him really!). Well done John.
Monday 27 January 2025 No surprises, so definitely not a ‘Rum ‘un’ as Henry Morgan passed the IAM Roadsmart Advanced test this morning. Congratulations Henry and his observer Richard Mercer.
Brrrr. A bitterly cold day, but George Knights will have a warm glow having passed the IAM Roadsmart Test today. Our first Associate to pass in 2025. Congratulations.
Congratulations to long serving member Ian Coleman who passed the IAM Roadsmart Masters Test today with a ‘Distinction.
In very windy conditions today, Kieran Hill passed the IAM Roadsmart Test. Congratulations.
Wednesday 13th November Pete Wyatt passed the IAM Roadsmart Masters Test today. Massive congratulations to him. His test pass was number 40 of all NAM members test passes so far in 2024, NAM’s 40th year.
Monday 11th November No doubt an easy date for Simon Frame to remember. Congratulations to him on passing the IAM Roadsmart Advanced Test today with a F1RST
Already a busy volunteer for Norfolk Blood Bikes, Wendy Woodward can now extend her role by passing the IAM Roadsmart Advanced motorcycle test on Saturday 02 November. Congratulations Wendy and observer Dave Ward.
Just one day early for Halloween, but Amir Montazer received his ‘Trick’ by passing the IAM Roadsmart Advanced Rider Test today. Congratulations.