Blown Away
A well earned and no surprise, ‘Distinction’ grade for Darren Powell at his ‘Masters Test’ ….and a tad windy out there today!!
A well earned and no surprise, ‘Distinction’ grade for Darren Powell at his ‘Masters Test’ ….and a tad windy out there today!!
…please note that for April Sunday rides we will be trialling the new start point of the Foundry garden centre (NR15 1NS). The centre has a cafe and toilets and is open from 8.30 if anyone fancies a tea or …
Today John Young met Paul Milner for breakfast and gave him a couple of gifts in recognition of his time as NAM secretary and other various roles over the past 20 years, we gave him a Triumph Tiger Cub book …
The latest newsletter is up on the site. Find it under Newsletters, and please be patient as it’ll take a moment or two to load.
Newsletters are now visible as flipbooks. Go to the newsletter page as usual and click on the image of the newsletter you’d like to read and the new online format will appear. There is also a link at the top …
Congratulations to Matt Green who passed the National Observer Test.
Congratulations to Mariusz Buras on passing the National Observer Test on the 27th and Jim Duncan who traded his Local Observer qualification for National Observer on the 29th. Well done both
Dear Member, On behalf of the committee, the Events Team would like to announce some exciting social events during 2023. We would love you to join us. Coming Soon (end of Feb): NAMble – an organised ramble around North Creake. …
“Firstly our apologies in the delay of getting your paper copy of the Jan/Feb issue of the newsletter out to you, which sadly will be the last of them being sent by post. Why not get used to reading it …
The Sunday rides have now been updated for the first three months of the new year. Observer information will be added soon.