Sunday Rides – FAQ

NAM’s Sunday rides are one of the mainstays of the club, and whilst often well attended by a number
of our regulars I’m often disappointed by the lack of members (whether qualified or associates)
coming along and trying them out. So if you’re hesitant for any of the reasons below hopefully we can
reassure you enough to give them a go.

I don’t feel confident enough to attend.

This is completely normal, but please be assured you’d be warmly welcomed by all the group’s members. If it helps, one of our Observers would be happy to meet you elsewhere and ride to the starting point with you and make sure you have a group to ride with.

My riding isn’t as good as everyone else’s.

A lot of people feel this way, however the Sunday rides are an ideal opportunity to improve your skills and technique. Simply riding with others who have been trained to the IAM standard will see your riding improve.

Do I need to lead the group? 

Not at all, we never insist anyone leads the groups unless they are confident and experienced to do so. 

I don’t have a Sat Nav?

This isn’t a problem, we’ll ensure you are part of a group that has at least one person who knows the route and the final destination. 

I don’t want to turn up by myself not knowing anyone.

One of our Observers would be happy to meet you elsewhere and ride to the starting point with you and make sure you have a group to ride with. All you need to do is contact and we’ll ensure someone will meet you beforehand.

It all seems very cliquey – I’m not sure I’d be welcomed.

As a club member you will always be welcomed, although we understand that turning up not knowing anyone can be intimidating. If you plan on attending on either the first or third Sunday of the month please just ask any of the members who the Duty Observer is and they will ensure you are fully looked after. 

As a woman I feel quite intimidated by the number of men.

As a club with we have a number of female riders, we can happily arrange for you to meet someone prior to the ride out who can introduce you to everyone.

I don’t have time to do the whole ride.

Not a problem, all you need to do is let the other members of the group know that you intend to leave the ride and at what point. 

I’ve never ridden in a group before.

We understand this can be quite intimidating if you’ve never done it before. However the lead rider will let you know how the ride works, including keeping everyone together, riding in a group, etc.