Test passes

2023 Passes

Saturday 29th July

Paul Elvin passed the IAM Roadsmart test today. Congratulations and well worth all the hard work.

Friday 21st July

A fully expected and well deserved Distinction for Richard Mercers Masters Test today.

Thursday 20th July

A head’s up and congratulations to Tom Head for his success at the Test today.

Friday 14th July

Well done David Rudgley on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test.

Saturday 24th June

Great news for Norfolk SERV and Kevin Parry as he passed the IAM Roadsmart test.

Friday 23rd June

Congratulations and thanks to Andy Lawler on passing the National Observer Test today.

Sunday 18th June

Well done to Peter Higgins on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test today, before the thunderstorms and rain.

Monday 12th June

All the hard work paid off for Mark Stockings, who passed the IAM Roadsmart Advanced test today.

Sunday 4th June

Congratulations to Jake Stock on passing the IAM Roadsmart National Observer Test.

Thursday 11th May

With rain storms of Biblical proportions, congratulations to Clive Parkerson on passing the IAM Roadsmart test with a F1RST

Monday 8th May

Congratulations to Kent Barron on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test today. (What better thing to do on a Bank Holiday Monday and thanks to King Charles 3rd ?)

Thursday 23rd March

Congratulation to John Wilkins on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test and with. F1RST

Monday 13th March

A well earned and no surprise, ‘Distinction’ grade for Darren Powell at his ‘Masters Test’ ….and a tad windy out there today!!

Wednesday 22nd February

Congratulations to Matt Green who passed the National Observer Test.

Friday 27th January

Paving the way for a great 2023 for NAM and the Observer Team, Mariusz Buras passed the National Observer Test today.

Sunday 29th January

Jim Duncan trades in his Local Observer qualification for that of a National Observer following a successful test today. Congratulations

2022 Passes

Thursday 22nd December

No 25 for 2022 and a F1RST for Steve Watson. Congratulations.

Saturday 26th November

Congratulations to Richard Mercer on passing the IMI National Observer test today.

Friday 28th October

Congratulations and welcome to the Observer Team to Dave Ward, who passed the IMI National Observer Test today.

Wednesday 26th October

Great result for Karl Lovelock on passing the IAM Roadsmart Advanced Test today. Congratulations.

Tuesday 25th October

Was it really 5 years ago? Seems like yesterday. Massive congratulations to Becky McCree on her masters 5 yearly retest with distinction… of course

Thursday 20th October

Congratulations to Jo Russell for obtaining a F1RST during torrential rain on her IAM Roadsmart test

Tuesday 18th October

Mark Bird passed his IAM Roadsmart test today. Well done.

Saturday October 8th 2022

Our first for October and a F1RST for Gary Battrick, well done.

Friday 16th September 2022

Congratulations and thanks to Jim Duncan on completing the Local Observer assessments under the guidance of Pete Wyatt and Ray Lewis

Sunday 4th September 2022

We have our first pass of Autumn and a F1RST at that ! Congratulations to Graeme Seaman.

Monday August 29th 2022

No doubt feeling very ‘chuffed’, Train driver Steve McLean passed the IAM Roadsmart Test today….woo woo!

(sorry the puns are getting worse, I need to get them back on ‘track’)

Saturday 20th August 2022

Whilst not February 14th, it was certainly Tony Valentine’s day passing his Advanced Rider Test with a F1RST. Congratulations.

Tuesday 16th August

Congratulations to Dave Ridgway on obtaining a F1RST at the IAM Roadsmart Test today.

Friday 12th August

With air temperature still at 32 degrees, Ian Leverett kept his cool to pass the IAM Roadsmart test today. Well done

Sunday 7th August

To Michelle Ridgway riding the ‘Little Red Devil’ to the IAM Roadsmart Test pass standard today. Well done.

Saturday 6th August

Congratulations to Richard Bye on his test pass today.

Thursday 4th August

Well done to Sally Kelly on passing the IAM Roadsmart Advanced test today, on a rare beastie, a CCM 450 Adventure.

Tuesday 19th July

Congratulations to John Walden on a ‘Distinction’ grade in his 5 yearly ‘Masters’ re-test.

Tuesday 19th July

In extreme temperatures today, congratulation to Stuart Bentley on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test

Wednesday 13th July

Congratulations and welcome to the Observer Team to Andy Lawler who was supported and trained by Sara Laugher and Phil Sherriff.

Thursday 7th July

Congratulations to Richard Ward on passing as a qualified Observer under the guidance of Gavin Stock and Phil Sherriff
Welcome to the Observer Team

Tuesday 31st May

Congratulations and thanks to Mariusz Buras for completing the Local Observer programme under the guidance of Ray Lewis and John Walden.

Friday 27th May

Congratulations to Paul Thacker on his IAM Roadsmart test pass today.

Friday 13th May

Friday the 13th didn’t prove to be a bad day at all for Jack Stephens who passed today with a F1RST. Great work.

Friday 6th May

Congratulations to Joe Diamond who passed the IAM Roadsmart test today.

Wednesday 4th May

Another success at the IMI National Observer Test for Pete Wyatt…….. on Star Wars day too…..

Saturday 30th April 2022

Well done to Matthew French on passing his IAM Roadsmart test today

Wednesday 27th April 2022

A brilliant result at the IMI National Observer Test for Sara Laugher, one of our longer serving Local Observers. Well done and thanks.

Monday 11th April 2022

Congratulations and thank you to Richard Mercer on completing the Local Observer Programme under the guidance of Phil Sherriff.

The Observer Team is going from strength to strength.

Saturday 9th April ADVANCED RIDER PASS

Congratulations to Ed Young who passed today

Wednesday 6th April ADVANCED RIDER PASS

A well-expected F1RST for Mariusz Buras today. Great Stuff.

Friday 1st April 2022 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Colin Griffiths on his pass today

Saturday 26th March 2022 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

In almost ‘summer’ temperatures, congratulations to Andy Lawler who passed today.

Wednesday 23rd March 2022 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

A beautiful Spring day today, 23rd March and for Marc Marsh to pass the IAM Roadsmart Test. Well done.

Thursday 24th February 2022 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

A well-earnt F1RST for Rick Andrews and the first F1RST for 2022.

Wednesday 19th January 2022 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

A great start to 2022 and congratulations to Ben Higham who passed today.

2021 Passes

Monday 15th November 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Terry Hubbard who passed today. (See, it wasn’t so painful was it?)


Well done to Jake Stock for completing the Local Observer programme under the guidance of Phil Sherriff and John Walden. (Jake is the 3rd generation of the Stock family to be a NAM Observer, grandad Tom was an Observer in the late 1980s, early 1990s and dad Gavin is a current National Observer)

Thursday 23rd September 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

A right Royal result for Keith Heward and Royal Enfield Interceptor, on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test today.


Congratulations and thanks to Matt Green for completing the Local Observer programme under the guidance of Alasdair Wilcock and Ray Lewis.

Saturday 18th September 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Well done to Barry Needham who passed the IAM Roadsmart test today

Tuesday 14th September 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

A well-earned F1rst for Paul Gower. Congratulations.

Friday 3rd September 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Well done to Bob Russell on passing the IAM Roadsmart test on September 3rd

Saturday 7th August 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Darren Powell on passing the IAM Roadsmart Advanced Test today.

Wednesday 28th July 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Paul Taylor on passing the IAM Roadsmart Test today….
(Dodging the road debris left after yesterdays rain storms)

Wednesday 30th June 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Glenn Henderson, no doubt buoyed up with England’s 2-0 victory over Germany yesterday,
achieved a F1rst at his IAM test today.

Saturday 24th April 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Great news our first post lockdown F1RST and massive congratulations to Matt Cooper on 24th April.

Wednesday 21st April 2021 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Sarah Gray our first post lockdown pass on 21st April

2020 Passes

Thursday 24th December 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

‘twas the day before Christmas….and congratulations to Ray Prescott on his test pass today…. splish splash.

Friday 18th December 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

An early Christmas present for Wayne Chaplin, an IAM test pass on 18th December. Well done.

Thursday 17th December 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Ralph Hardwick, who yesterday repeated his first test pass from way back in 2005.
(Food for thought for all us full members?)

Sunday 13th December 2020 Observer Training programme and Assessment

Congratulations to Pete Wyatt on successful completion of the Observer Training programme and Assessment. A great asset to the Observer Team and Group.

Wednesday 9th December 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Huge congratulations to Jason Brooks on his F1RST on December 9th

Friday 25th September 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Gunther Gerdes on passing the IAM test today in tough weather conditions

Thursday 17th September 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Glenn Hands who passed the IAM test today with a F1rst

Sunday 13th September 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Well done to Sam Blackman in his IAM test pass

Monday 7th September 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Adrian Holland on passing the IAM Masters test.

Wednesday 2nd September 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Colin Murden on passing the IAM test today.

Friday 14th August 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Well done to Granville Routledge in his IAM test pass.

Tuesday 11th August 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Phil Sherriff on his ‘Distinction’ grade in the ‘Masters’ 6 yearly Test.

Friday 7th August 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Rhys Bammon, who passed his test today gaining a f1rst. The examiner stated, “a cracking ride”.

Saturday 25th July 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Richard Woodward on passing, his post lockdown hard work paid off.

Monday 15th June 2020 National Observer Programme

Congratulations to Ray Lewis on passing the National Observer Programme.
Achieved with a superb performance as detailed in his test report.

Thursday 20th February 2020 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Richard Mercer on passing his advanced test last Thursday……Well done!

2019 Passes

Friday 6th December 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Matthew Green on passing his test….well done.

Monday 23rd September 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS 

Congratulations to Lazlo Igali who passed recently…..well done.

Friday 30th August 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS 

Congratulations to Geoff Simon and Jim Duncan on passing their tests recently….
well done…and well done Jim for achieving a “F1RST”.

Friday 26th July 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS 

Congratulations to Allen Knight who has passed his test and achieved a “F1RST”….well done.

Friday 26th July 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS 

Congratulations to Graham Starling and Simon Rupret who both passed this week.
Well done, especially Simon on achieving a “F1RST”.

Tuesday 18th June 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Paul Cawdron and Nikos Coulson who both passed recently. Well done.

Thursday 30th May 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Ed McKean who passed his test today. Well done.

Wednesday 29th May 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Alasdair Wilcock who passed his National Observer assessment today…..well done.

Tuesday 14th May 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Nigel Pollard who passed with a “F1RST”….well done.

Friday 26th April 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Trevor Turner who passed his advanced test recently. Well done.

Monday 21st January 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to David Ellard on passing with a “F1RST”….Well done.

Monday 21st January 2019 ADVANCED RIDER TEST PASS

Congratulations to Mike Crook on passing in tricky conditions. Well done.